APRIL 13, 2020
Before I attended my first fitness class with Jackie, I was unknowingly and completely detached from my body. I have always been an active girl— I mountain biked often, I consistently went to the gym, and i occasionally jogged. As far back as I could remember, I have always seen my body as unchangeable because i did all these things without seeing any change in my body. I had made a decision about myself that completely hindered my ability to look at myself differently.
The first class I went to was actually more like a test-run to see if committing to a trainer was something I wanted/needed to do. I was skeptical… in my mind, I had no problem with getting myself to go to the gym on my own, so how would this be any different?
Within the first 15 minutes, all of my assumptions vanished. Not only did the workout Jackie created on that first day kicked my ass, I also had the best time doing it.
As I reached the 2 month mark with Jackie as my trainer, I took note of one of the most significant shifts to happen in my life. A shift that made these workouts about more than just losing weight. It was a whole re-circuitry of my mindset. It became about loving the things about my body that I had once detached from. It became about seeing how strong I am. Working out shifted from something I need to do to get the body I want, to something I love to do with the body I have.
Through the guidance of Jackie, my life changed in the most important way. Jackie’s classes were the catalyst to further my understanding of self-care. That being, creating a life that I do not have to detach from.