

APRIL 25, 2020

Growing up I was always pretty active. I trained in martial arts on a competitive level and played basketball all the way through high school. I loved every min of it but I lost my passion somewhere in between..

Life happened and really my fitness journey started with self destruction. I was smoking and drinking actively not to mention killing a pack of cigarettes a day with ease. I had no regards to my nutrition. I ate whatever the hell I wanted, when I wanted and in ridiculous amounts. 

I’m a TRUE fatty at heart! Sweet tooth to the bone and no self discipline. The results of the years of neglect was so bad that it affected everything from my mental, physical and spiritual well-being. I couldn’t even look myself in the mirror anymore and that’s when I knew it was bad.

Luckily I worked for a company that encouraged employees to be active. They paid for races and even gave bonuses when completing a race. This sparked the flame for change. I started dabbling in boot camps, boxing and spin classes but failed to be consistent. It felt like a chore at times and I would fall in and out of my fitness journey with a handful of trainers.


I’ve known Jackie for about 6 years and was introduced by a colleague during a spartan race. God made sure she was there cause I was hella fat and dying out in the desert! Lol! She massaged out a gnarly cramp in my calf and was that tiny voice that just kept pushing me through. I vividly remember her setting the tone and the steady pace to ensure all made it to the end goal. I’ll never forget that.

I did not start training with MJF up until a year ago and as much as I wish I started my journey with Jackie, I had to learn what didn’t work for me. I need a trainer who was all in and was willing to take every step of this journey by my side. I needed someone who was strong to push me when I wanted to quit and someone who knows when to reach out when I go missing. I wanted someone to hold me accountable and teach me properly as I was so misinformed with all avenues of fitness. This is the importance of having the trainer that is right for you.

Jackie provides structure, stability and the tools needed to build a solid fitness foundation. I am only a year in and I have never seen results like this. If you want to become the best version of yourself, start now and trust the process with Ms. Jackie

I’m living proof.


Charlene “Ma”

