TESTIMONIAL #3: Maintenance, MARCH 2020
Jackie has been my trainer for 7 years now. People jump from gym to gym, trainer to trainer in search of someone who will get them into shape – with Jackie, you get more than just a trainer – she will be your greatest motivator, she will push you to do things you never thought possible, and she will be a great friend who wants to see you truly succeed in all aspects of life (not just the gym). I’ve stuck with her as my trainer these past 7 years for all of these one of a kind qualities that are incredibly rare to find these days.
Over the past 2 years, Triathlon’s peaked my interest. I knew that completing a Triathlon would be a a great race to test my athletic abilities and utilize all my hard work from taking Jackie’s classes. Taking her classes allowed me to easily transition into my Triathlon training because of the amazing strength and conditioning she has helped me build over the years. (In 2018 I completed my first Olympic Distance Triathlon – in 2019 I completed the same Triathlon and improved my overall time by 15 minutes).
Reflecting on all of the training sessions I have been so lucky to be a part of, Jackie is truly one of a kind with her coaching style and dedication to each and every person that she takes on. Her programs kick my butt every week – just when I think I am in the best shape of my life, she throws in an epic program that makes you think twice! 😉 Today, I would say I truly am in the best shape of my life thanks to Jackie – 7 years later and I am still seeing subtle changes in my physique which is so exciting! Thank you Jackie for always pushing me, being the best cheerleader, and being the greatest friend.
TESTIMONIAL #2: Fat Loss, 2017
In 2014 into 2015 I had conquered some of the largest mountain peaks. I was strong and my body could definitely handle large obstacles. I always felt strong – but another part of me yearned to be faster (I excelled in weight lifting but tired easily with plyo work). If you know Jackie and her classes, she has a way of incorporating a plyo move with weight lifting that will make you want to throw up your last meal. I am 5’6 and at the time my weight was around 145 which for my frame looking back now was heavy – and I felt the weight mostly when I would run or do some sort of explosive move. I wanted to set a new goal for myself: be faster.
I expressed my “new goal” to Jackie one night in the fall of 2015 as we were running along the beach; she recognized my goal and set a game plan for me right then and there. I noticed each month that would pass I felt smaller but I still felt strong! By the end of 2016 I was nearly 12 pounds lighter. Today I have continued to keep that weight off and feel like I am in the best shape I have ever been in.
For me, exercise has always been something I enjoyed because it made me feel good. Jackie always says, “This is a lifestyle” and that has always resonated with me – though it seems that simple mindset is not expressed enough – typically people are focused on the physical goals and instant gratification (six pack, bigger butt, smaller legs, etc) when in reality, the physical stuff are just bonus points! Once you recognize that this will not happen overnight and you just continue chipping away each day, the results start showing and you begin “trusting the process” (another one of my favorite Ms. Jackie sayings!). We all fall off sometimes…and that’s ok! You just start back up the next day and continue your own personal journey.
Thank you Jackie for always helping me in achieving my goals and constantly inspiring me, motivating me, and making me stronger each and every day!
TESTIMONIAL #1: The Beginning, 2013
My fitness journey started when I first met Jackie at Reign Training Center where she taught Strength and Conditioning classes. I had always been athletic and played sports however I had never gone through any vigorous training or classes like the ones Reign provided. I had no muscle on me and was (like so many other girls) tricked into thinking cardio was the best and only way to keep in shape.
I first started taking boxing classes at Reign and quickly realized one thing – my stamina sucked. I took on the challenge of wanting to better my stamina and most importantly, become stronger. I began to intertwine the two classes taking boxing twice a week and Jackie’s class three times a week.
Jackie’s classes were go-go-go – no stopping, heart pounding, sweat dripping, and a very cute (yet vicious) voice screaming “DON’T STOP!” With each class I was getting stronger and realized my heart rate was much more controllable. I was no longer hacking up a lung after one round of our workout…
I remember the first goal I had set for myself was to be able to do a push up – like a real “no knees, chest touches the ground” kind of push up. When I realized I was able to do not one but several push ups, it put into perspective how much strength I had gained.
I had to take a few months off due to surgery but was more determined than ever to gain all the strength back that I had lost and Jackie was right next to me the entire way. I was discouraged with the strength and muscle that I had lost that I had worked so hard to obtain but with Jackie’s program and constant encouragement I was able to gain back my strength plus more.Since then I have been training consistently, 5 days a week with Jackie right by my side.
Together we have hiked and summited the highest mountains in California
(Mount Whitney in August 2014) and have been training for a half marathon in May 2015. Jackie has always believed in my strength and has helped me reach goals I had never imagined.
Jackie has shown me the beauty of muscle – the mental push to obtain it, the consistency and determination one must have to persevere through the pain, and the self confidence in your own unique capabilities. With all of the pressures of society and the standards being held for both men and women regarding appearances, it has become easy to get caught up in this self destructive mindset. Through our daily workouts Jackie has shown me that this is more than just a body transformation. Our training sessions are mini life lessons – no matter how much pain you are in, when you think you can’t take one more step – you have to keep moving, keep smiling, keep laughing, and enjoy each and every breath.