
MARCH 27, 2015

Not only are we celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection, but it’s a reminder that our life can be resurrected as well.  There has been so many low points in my life where I felt no hope.  I felt lonely and disappointed in myself for not being where I think I should be.  At times it is hard to accept but when I think about the road I have been down to where I am today… this is exactly where I need to be [mentally and spiritually].  Every day in the past few weeks, I have felt like I’ve been coming back to Life.  The Life that I should have been living a long time ago… but it has taken me a while to grow and mature.  The past three years of my life was pretty much a blur trying to figure out who I was and why there was so much chaos in it.  I talk about my partying days and drug use because when I look back and really think about what I was doing… I realize that the occasional partying really was an escape of reality which lead me to poor decision making, in turn put me in dangerous situations.  Moments like this reminds me, I NEVER want to be back in those situations again.  I am beyond blessed to be sitting where I am today with loving people around me.  With that… Thank you Jesus for resurrecting my life.


Whoo! It’s taken about 3 years…


Is God real?