Challenge Accepted
JULY 18, 2016
It’s been a while since my last blog…! How time flies when great things happen! I recently got engaged to the most wonderful man on this planet, made a little shift in careers and currently prepping for a wedding! Talk about major changes and of course, re-prioritizing my daily routines.
It’s amazing how life changes when YOU DECIDE to make positive changes for yourself. Facebook has this thing where it reminds you of your past. You see these notifications and think “wow, that was me” or “oh, I miss those days”… either way, there is some emotion that comes up. For me, a lot of the recent post has been from 3 – 5 years ago. Life was MUCH different back then and may I add, A LOT OF FUN [Temporary fun]. All cute and fun on the outside.. but internally I was dying. I needed a major transformation… from the INSIDE-OUT. With the grace of God and accepting my circumstance… I found the courage to drastically change my life. I still have battles with myself, but it’s much easier now to defuse the enemies attack on my mind. I remind myself that I have been RESTORED & REDEEMED by the most high, Jesus Christ.
Today.. I have a new challenge for myself, as I prepare to walk down the aisle with my best friend! I’ll call it, the “STOP BEING MEAN TO MYSELF” challenge. What this?! … If you’ve said the following things to yourself, then I ask you to take on this challenge!
“I want to get rid of this ______” (pointing at your mid-section, “muffin top”, hips, inner tighs, arms, “da belly”)
“I hate my stomach”
“I can’t stand this _______ about myself”
“I wish I looked like ______”
” I wish I had_______”
“I want to lose 10 pounds in 2 days”
“I’m so fat”
“I’m _________ (anything negative about yourself)!
Any of these sound familiar? I’m guilty… hands down.. I’ve said all these things to myself. I’ve probably even said a lot worse. Why? Because I’m critical of myself. I am the hardest on myself then anyone else in my life. Can you relate? 😁
Everyone around me has nothing but positive – encouraging things to say about me and TO me, yet, at times, I struggle to believe them. One day, I asked myself “why the heck are you so mean to yourself?!” I was tired of going around this same mountain of demeaning myself, yet preaching to others to do the opposite. JUST NOT ok!
It’s a constant battle that I have hit rock bottom with. I was tired of being mean to myself! DONE & DONE. SICK of it. Me, being mean to myself is like saying.. GOD F U.. you did a horrible job with me. WHAT?! HE absolutely DID NOT… and He DID NOT do a bad job with you! There was a lot going on IN me that I needed to change. So, I practiced this “Stop Being Mean to Yourself” and discovered a sense of freedom. Freedom of insecurity and low self worth. How you feel and what you think of yourself is what matters most. At the end of the day, it boils down to me to believe the beautiful qualities I hold within my heart.
I have been made new…
So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away – look, what is new has come 2 Corinthians 5:17
I am made new… I have to stop shaming myself, being mean to myself and love who I am & who I have become in these past few years. I wish and pray the same for you! ❤️